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Flying Lizards and NHI Theory - top ten - money
The Flying Lizards were an experimental rock band known for their avant-garde approach to music, particularly their minimalist, robotic renditions of popular songs. One of their most famous tracks, "Money (That's What I Want)," epitomizes their unique style with its mechanical delivery and unconventional arrangement.

The Flying Lizards and NHI (Non-Human Intelligence)
Some fans humorously speculate that The Flying Lizards and their lead singer exhibit traits akin to non-human intelligence (NHI), drawing comparisons to aliens or artificial beings. This speculation is fueled by their music video's robotic aesthetics and the band's peculiar performance style, which seems detached and otherworldly.

Analysis of "Money (That's What I Want)"
"Money (That's What I Want)" by The Flying Lizards is a cover of Barrett Strong's original Motown hit. The Flying Lizards' version strips the song of its soulful roots, replacing them with a cold, mechanical delivery that sounds almost emotionless. The vocals, delivered in a flat, monotonous tone by Deborah Evans-Stickland, add to the surreal and alien-like quality of the song.

- Lyrics and Delivery: The song's lyrics focus on materialism and the desire for wealth, which in the context of The Flying Lizards' version, could be interpreted as a critique of human priorities. The robotic delivery and minimalist instrumentation create a sense of detachment, as if the performers are observing human behavior from an outsider's perspective.

- **Music Video**: The music video enhances this alien-like interpretation with its odd, almost absurd visual elements. The band's performance is characterized by stiff, unnatural movements, contributing to the overall impression that they might be entities unfamiliar with human norms.

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Created 5 years, 5 months ago.

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